Friday, November 15, 2013

Update on life!

Where should I even start. First I would just like to say I'm so sad my computer broke so now I have to blog from my iphone which is not fun at all! Lol it's so time consuming. So anywho what's been going on in my life!? I feel like there is so much but as I'm sitting here nothing comes to mind. Lol. Jesse and I moved rooms in my parents house. My brother and his wife have moved on to bigger and better things and I'm so happy for them. So in my house now is just Jesse and I, my mom and my dad. Kind of boring lol. Jesse and I have been trying to do as many activities as we possible can and trying our hardest to work around our busy schedules. Jesse usually works 5 to 6 days a week and when she does she closes at night. And I have school in the mornings so I rarely get to see her I feel like. We took a trip to disneyland on oct 26 with my sister and my niece which was pretty fun. The entire time I felt so famous because I kid you not evey single person stopped me and wanted to take a picture with me it was so crazy. A cast member even brought be to the front of a 50 minute wait line! It was so exciting. For halloween I just stayed home passed out candy and watched movies because Jesse had work so I wasn't going to do anything big. It was still very fun though. 

About a month back Jesse and I took a daycation to oceanside. It was much needed. We had so much fun just being alone together and enjoying each others company. It was so pretty down there we loved the beach it was so peaceful. We are at this place called rockin Baka on the harbo it was so beautiful. It was one of the most relaxing peaceful trips I've had in a while. 

On to my run! Since over started working out I have lost 25 pounds! I feel more motivated now then ever in my life to finally get healthy. I've been waiting a while to do my first 5k! I signed up about 3 months ago and I couldn't wait for it! It was a color run which I was also so excited about. I was a little sad I was doing it all alone but hey what can you do. Anyways. I jogged walked most of it. It went by pretty fast. I got slammed with so much color especially on my face! I was so proud when I crossed the finish line. I was so happy to have completed something like this. It's was really nice. I can't wait for my next one in February. 

I recently put on a show for a friend and her kids! I've known Nicole for about 5 or 6 and I thought I would do something nice. Her kids had a blast! It was so fun. It was my first time meeting her kids and they are the cutest little things! Its been about 5 years since I've seen Nicole last so it was nice to have a visit with her and her family. Jake is hilarious! Jesse and had such a good time. It was in Carlsbad so it wasn't too far from home. And Jesse actually loved all the homes out there. Jesse is actually talking about moving out there whether it be Carlsbad (probably not cause we need better jobs) oceanside or San Marcos (which is what i think is better and more doable). We have been talking about possibly making that our residents in the future. It's such a nice place to raise your children and have a family. Way better than riverside im feeling. I'm goig to start applying for ultrasound jobs down there and then we will see what happens!

So that's pretty much what's going on in our lives at the moment. :) kinda boring yes but hey!!

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